Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The speech

As I make my appearance in front of the crowd I assure them that they may trust in his honor. I did not kill Caesar out of a lack of love for him, but because his love for Rome outweighed his love of a single man. I insist that Caesar was great but ambitious. It was for this reason tha we slew him. I feared that the Romans would live as slaves under Caesar’s leadership. Does anyone disagree with me. I conclude that I have offended no one and assert that now Caesar’s death has been accounted for, with both his virtues and faults in life given attention. Antony then enters with Caesar’s body. I explain to the crowd that Antony had no part in the conspiracy but that he will now be part of the new commonwealth. After my speech the plebians declare that I should become the new Caesar. I quiet them and ask them to listen to Antony.  After listening to Antony's speech the Romans turned on me and I fled from Rome. After we fled I have a lot of concern what would happen to us if we were to return to Rome.

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