Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Caesar's death

As we enter the senate I have alot on my mind. I have a feeling that the assassination plot has been discovered by Trebonius. As we kneel before Caesar he says he will not change his mind now he sees himself as "constant as the Northern Star." Also, he says that they might as well hope to "lift up Olympus,” the mountain where the gods were believed to dwell. Which shows how ambitious he was and why I am gunna take him out. As the rest kneel Casca stabs him first, and the others follow, then I stabbed him last. After I tell the conspirators that they have acted as friends to Caesar by shortening the time that he would have spent fearing death. I tell them to bend down and bathe their hands in Caesar’s blood, then walk to the marketplace with their bloodied swords to proclaim peace, freedom, and liberty.

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